
End of Lease Cleaning in Sydney

is here to take care of all your End of Lease cleaning needs like true professionals

Give us a call now at 1300-925-355

End of lease cleaning in Sydney for bond back

Moving can be stressful, but getting your bond back doesn't have to be. At Yahweh Property Care, we make end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney easy and hassle-free. Yahweh Property Care, End of Lease Cleaning is a well-known service in Sydney acclaimed for its affordable and practical end-of-lease cleaning. As a result, we have gained five stars reviews on Google and Facebook from the tenants and many reputable real estate companies.

Yahweh Property Care Service provides a personalised bond cleaning service that will make your Business or House spotless and ready for the final inspection by the landlord. We'll leave the place sparkling clean so that your landlord will be sorry that you're going.

Our goal is to assist our loyal clients in obtaining their bond to enjoy a hassle-free experience from the booking to the final inspection.

The expert cleaners know how to handle everything properly and will only leave the property once the job is completed. And the most significant thing is... A bond-back guarantee backs all of this. (Your landlord will love our high standard of cleanliness)

Take the stress out of moving

  • You can begin the process by contacting us at 1300 925 355 to schedule the end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney.
  • Our end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney support team will inquire about your needs and the property size before providing a quotation.
  • You can select a date that suits you when you are ready to book before the final inspection.
  • Our end-of-lease cleaners in Sydney arrive at your door on the scheduled day and the time to commence the service. (We require the property completely emptied and free from rubbish)
  • They are equipped with all the necessary tools, equipment and supplies like washcloths, dusters, vacuums, cleaning products, gloves, brushes, sponges, mop, etc.
  • Our experts clean within the times set and leave the property for the final inspection.
  • In some cases, we hand over the keys to the real estate on behalf of the tenant on request.
  • You can pay us online or the team on the service day once the service is completed.
  • We offer a free re-clean within 72 hours if the landlord or property manager is dissatisfied, which hardly ever happens.

Your End Of Lease Cleaning Checklist

Living Areas

  • Vacuum Closet Space
  • Vacuum Carpets
  • Mop and Scrub Floors
  • Clean Inside Windows
  • Wipe Down & Scrub off Window Sills
  • Remove Cobwebs
  • Scrub & Cleaning Skirting Boards
  • Cleaning of Mirrors
  • Spot Cleaning Walls
  • Thorough Cleaning of All Window Tracks
  • Wiping Down Light Switches
  • Cleaning Inside Cupboards or Drawers


  • Grease Removal From Stove Top, Rangehood and Overhead Fan
  • Thorough Cleaning of Inside Cabinets/Drawers
  • Wipe Down the Oven and Door Handle
  • Wipe Down the Top of Cabinets And Handles
  • Spot Cleaning Walls
  • Interior Window Cleaning
  • Oven Cleaning
  • Wiping Down Light Switches, Scrub & Cleaning Skirting Boards
  • Mop Floor
  • Deep Clean Sink


  • Scrub & Clean Toilets and Sinks
  • Tile Grime Removal
  • Scrub & Clean Showers & Tubs
  • Scrub & Clean Inside Bathroom Cupboards
  • Clean Soap Dish
  • Clean Mirrors
  • Clean Shower Head
  • Cleaning of Mirrors
  • Spot Cleaning Walls & Wall Tiles
  • Interior Window Cleaning
  • Wiping Down Light Switches
  • Scrub & Cleaning Skirting Boards
  • Mop Floor

All Areas

  • Dust Cabinet Doors
  • Clean Countertops
  • Vacuum Area Rugs
  • Polish Cabinet Doors
  • Tile Grime Removal
  • Spot Cleaning Walls Around High Touch Areas
  • Interior Window Cleaning
  • Cleaning All Hard Surfaces*
  • Mop and Scrub Floors


  • Clean Refrigerator
  • Balcony/Garage/Patio Sweep
  • Full Wall Washing
  • Carpet Steam Cleaning
  • Granny Flat Cleaning
  • Blind, Shutter & Curtain Cleaning
  • Fly Screen Cleaning
  • Ceiling To Floor Windows
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Mattress Cleaning

Our Step By Step End Of Lease Cleaning Process

Step 01

Booking & Inspecting Your Home

  • Get an instant quote through our online booking form, add your name, preferred date and time, as well as the details of your property, and book. Our service aims to help you get your bond back in full.
  • Once we receive your booking, we'll assign it to one of our experienced end-of-lease cleaners. Our helpful admin staff will send you a copy of our end-of-lease cleaning checklist and other important information.
  • On arrival, we will take pictures of any existing damages (letting you, the customer know immediately).
  • If our cleaning teams see any other areas not covered in the booking but need attention, like blind cleaning or complete wall washing, we will ask you if you would like to add them to the booking.

Step 02


  • We then pretreat oven racks/trays of the oven and detachable parts of the range, spray oven cleaning solution inside the oven, and degreasing key on the range hood and the stovetops.
  • If the toilet bowls are stained, we will pretreat the stain with acid and let it work its magic.
  • If the grout between your bathroom and kitchen tiles is stained, your cleaning team will also pretreat the grout and let the pre-treatment work.

Step 03

The End Of Lease Cleaning Process

As a general rule of thumb, the process of our end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney starts from the top to bottom; this is the most time-efficient and productive bond cleaning method.

  • We will start by removing cobwebs in ceiling corners and crevices.
  • Then, if applicable, we will clean fans and vents.
  • Afterwards, we will return to the pretreated areas to check if the chemicals have worked their magic.
  • We will start from the top of the kitchen cupboards, then the splashback and benchtop. Lastly, your cleaning team will thoroughly clean the bottom kitchen cupboards.
  • After the kitchen is completed, we will begin to clean the windows, window tracks, and blinds (if applicable to your service). Artificial lighting tends to cause blind spots on surfaces. We ensure that this is done when there’s adequate sunlight to ensure it’s adequately cleaned and no stain goes unmissed.
  • We will then move on to washing walls (where applicable) and wiping down anything on the walls (light switches, intercom, AC, power sockets, etc.).
  • Following, we then wipe down doors and door frames.
  • We will wipe down all wardrobes, inside and outside, along with mirrors and wardrobe door tracks (where applicable).
  • After that's done, we will move on to cleaning the laundry, including any inbuilt appliances like your dryer.
  • Bathrooms are next to be cleaned; we will start with the tiles and grout, then mirrors and vanities, and lastly, the toilet, showers, and bathtubs will be scrubbed and thoroughly cleaned.
  • After the bathrooms are cleaned, the skirting boards throughout your home will be wiped down and de-dusted.
  • We will thoroughly scrub and then vacuum floors along with all window tracks and sliding door tracks again (there may be bits of grime and dirt left in the ways from prior cleaning).
  • If you have elected to have your carpets steam cleaned, we will steam clean them (making sure they're vacuumed at least two times).

Step 04

Final Walkthrough and Check

  • After all the areas on our bond cleaning checklist have been completed, we will do a thorough walk-through to fix any missed spots in cupboards, cabinets, drawers, and walls. If there are parts that can’t be cleaned thoroughly, we will take pictures and let you know.

Step 05

Additional Notes On Our Bond Cleaning Process

  • When two cleaners work together, we will split the workload (usually 1 for completing the kitchen cleaning and 1 for the bathroom, then 1 for the walls and 1 for the wardrobes, etc.).
  • We can complete additional tasks on the day. However, jobs that require heavy machinery or equipment like pressure washing, carpet steam cleaning, or professional tile and grout cleaning will need to be booked in advance.
  • We generally do not dismantle any appliances to clean inside them, like the oven or dryer.

Schedule your end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney today and experience the Yahweh Property Care difference!

Bond Cleaning Sydney: Bond Back Guarantee

Our bond back guarantee means that you do not have to worry about being called back to the property after the final inspection for cleaning, or charged a cleaning fee out of your bond.

The bond back guarantee means that we take full responsibility of the cleaning and work with the real estate agents to make sure they are happy with the cleaning and you get your full bond returned. This is one of the biggest benefits of a bond cleaning and end of lease cleaning service.

If the real estate agent thinks something has not been cleaned correctly, they contact us and we come out within 72 hours to ensure the job is completed.

End Of Lease Cleaning in Sydney With Guaranteed Bond Returns

  • A Trained, Professional & Highly Experienced End Of Lease Cleaning Team
  • All Equipment & Chemicals Provided
  • Unlimited, Responsive Customer Service Through Live Chat, Phone & Email
  • Insured Service Against Damages
  • Bond Back Guarantee

Our Cleaning Servicing Locations In Sydney NSW

We're Providing Services to The Entire Sydney Metropole.

We're servicing most suburbs in Sydney, including:

Secure your bond with Yahweh Property Care's end-of-lease cleaning Sydney

Moving out can be stressful, but Yahweh Property Care is here to make your transition smooth and hassle-free with our top-rated end-of-lease cleaning services in Sydney. We understand the importance of securing your bond, and our bond-back guarantee gives you peace of mind.

Choose our end-of-lease cleans in Sydney, tailored to meet the specific needs of your property. Whether it's a commercial space, office or residential property, we've got you covered.

Explore our comprehensive range of services, including: 

Discover the Yahweh Property Care difference

At Yahweh Property Care, we offer a personalised cleaning plan that includes deep cleaning for kitchens, bathrooms, living areas and carpets. Our additional services, such as house cleaning, regular NDIS cleaning and deep carpet cleaning, ensure every aspect of your property is immaculate. We also provide specialised services like medical centre cleaning, child care cleaning and strata cleaning.

Ready to experience a stress-free move?

Contact us today to book your end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney. Call us on 1300-925-355 to get a free quote and schedule your cleaning service. Trust Yahweh Property Care to deliver exceptional results and help you secure your bond without any hassle. Don't wait — ensure your property is in perfect condition with our professional end-of-lease cleaning Sydney services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every cleaning job is different and requires different amounts of time, workforce and equipment to complete. As you can imagine, a five-bedroom, two-bathroom home would require a highly different amount of time and work compared to a small single-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment. To ensure you receive the right price and get the most value for money from our cleaning services, we quote every Sydney bond cleaning job individually.

All end-of-tenancy cleans that we conduct come with a bond-back guarantee. That means if, for any reason, specific areas within our scope are missed, we will come back and re-clean them free of charge within 72 hours. Do note whilst we will happily extend the period where we may come back to make right any areas. As a business, we cannot accept requests to reach more than seven working days after work has been completed. Please note that refunds are not provided in place of our re-clean warranty.

The cost of your end-of-lease cleaning generally depends on the size of your property. We charge by the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in your home. Additional charges for extra services are not included in the general scope of our standard bond clean. These have carpet steam cleaning, outside windows, different balconies, complete wall washing and extra blinds. If the property requires a more thorough cleaning, we may reserve the right to charge extra; this will be communicated to you before we start cleaning. Our end-of-lease clean in Sydney starts at $370 for a one-bedroom or studio apartment and increases incrementally. All prices are Excluding of GST and our bond back guarantee.

Yes, we've cleaned close to 50,000 Sydney homes; we're experts in quoting. We give our final price unless your end-of-lease cleaning is highly soiled. We're happy to pass on a discount if you book multiple properties. Contact us by phone or via email to discuss pricing further.

Upon booking your cleaning service, we ask that parking be accessible for our cleaning teams in the suburbs like Sydney's CBD, North Sydney, Surry Hills, Chippendale, Ultimo, Glebe, Kings Cross and Redfern. Your cleaning team comes fully equipped with a cleaning caddy, chemicals and other equipment. It isn't feasible for them to walk long distances to be able to clean your home. Parking can take much work to come by. We request that parking be pre-arranged, and if parking needs to be paid for, we will add this to the booking cost. This will be confirmed with you before our arrival.

No, not. All we require is a way in which to access the property. If your agent is close by, our teams are more than happy to pick up the key, let themselves in and complete the work.

Yes, generally, we don't provide the following services with our end-of-lease cleaning Sydney hire: Patching or fixing of damaged walls. Thorough ceiling cleaning. Fixing and cleaning inside of light fittings Cleaning of chandeliers or other easy-to-damage fixtures Changing of light bulbs. It damaged carpet restoration. We are repairing damaged grout or turning excessively dark grout white. Repairing damaged stone countertops or removing blemishes from improper use of chemicals on countertops. Commercial cleaning of heavily soiled kitchen appliances like stoves, large range hoods and ventilation systems.

Yes, we are! If you need proof of insurance, email us at info@yahwehpc.com.au, and we will gladly forward you all relevant documentation.

Yahweh Property Care has one of the lowest cleaner attrition rates in the industry. On average, cleaners working with Yahweh Property Care stay over 15 years and have completed the End of Lease cleaning of over 2,000 homes. In addition, we have specialist bond cleaning teams that we utilise for all end-of-lease cleans in Sydney.

Generally, our end-of-lease cleaning checklist should be more than sufficient for your agent. We've done thousands of bond cleans. Some agents require outside window cleaning, carpet steam cleaning, extensive wall washing, balcony cleaning pressure washing for your clean to be able to return your rental bond. We also provide services like cleaning fly screens, floor-to-ceiling windows, carpet steam cleaning and mattress cleaning as extra services that are not included in a standard move-out clean. These services can be added to your booking at an additional cost. If the residence's walls are excessively stained, usually spot wall cleaning will not be sufficient, so we offer complete fence washing at a different price. Please note that we CAN NOT add additional services to your booking free of charge. Please ensure the relevant extra services are added to your booking so we can provide our end-of-tenancy cleaning service at the highest possible standard.

We aim to provide the best end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney possible at Yahweh Property Care. For our cleaners to work their magic, we require the property to be empty; furniture and other removable fixtures can prevent us from thoroughly cleaning walls and floors. We also need to make sure that there is power and running water. If, for any reason, you think the above conditions may not be possible, let us know in advance (via phone or email), and we will be more than happy to make alternative arrangements.

Yes, we'd love to. If your agent's checklist contains work outside our scope, we can amend the service and service provisions to suit your needs. Generally, if extra work is needed, we may add cost.

Unfortunately, we do not provide partial end-of-lease cleans. The reason is that real estate agents will inspect to ensure the property is up to scratch before releasing your bond. They won't pass a bond clean that has been partially completed.

We require 24 hours' notice before confirming your booking. However, we offer same-day end-of-lease cleaning services in Sydney; call us on the day to see if we can accommodate your service request.

Absolutely! Once your service is booked, we'll place a hold on your card before the service is rendered. Once the service is completed and we've confirmed you're happy, we'll complete the charge and send an instant receipt. We can even send a copy of the receipt to your property manager or landlord; send an email, and we'll make sure you're taken care of.

If you live in Sydney, we're servicing your suburb. We don't service suburbs, past Campbelltown in the South West, past Heathcote in the South or past Berowra in the North. If your suburb is between any of the aforementioned metropolitan areas, we can provide services to you. If you're unsure, give us a call at 1300 925 355

End-of-lease cleaning is one of the most complex services to provide as a cleaning agency. We've conducted upwards of 10,000 triumphant bond return cleans and are confident that we have the process down to an exact science. In saying the above, we do require the following from customers who book a bond return clean.

Whilst we don't require you to be at the property, we do need someone to provide access, whether it's a key pick up at close by location, a friend or relative to let us in, or leaving the keys in a secret place. Please let us know, upon booking, how we will gain access to the property.

In an ideal world, finding parking would be trouble-free. In most cases, our teams have no problems. However, if you are booking your bond clean in the suburbs with limited parking like North Sydney, Sydney's CBD, Bondi and Parramatta's CBD, we request that you assist in providing parking. This will be conveyed explicitly to you upon receipt of your booking. If unable to do so, we can use a parking garage at an extra expense.

Moving should already be completed.
To provide the absolute best service to assist in your rental bond return, we require that no furniture is on the property. If you want to book a fully furnished end-of-tenancy clean, please get in touch with one of our capable staff via telephone or email before booking.

Running water and electricity
All cleaning services provided by Yahweh Property Care require running water and electricity. We can only utilise vacuums that require electricity, and the best way to mop standing flooring is through hot water. If there is no power at the property, we may need to postpone or reschedule at an additional cost. We go to great lengths to ensure our cleaners always show up, with no exceptions. It's part of why Yahweh Property Care has such an excellent reputation. Unexpected postponements mean a loss of income for our teams; that's why we may charge a cancellation fee if we cannot complete a job due to the hiccups above.

No Tradesman!
Our end-of-lease cleans in Sydney cannot be completed if there are tradespeople working on the property simultaneously with our team. If you are aware of painters, plumbers or any other tradesman scheduled to be at the property, please schedule your cleaning ideally for before or after the work has been completed.

Yahweh Property Care offers a diverse array of professional cleaning services beyond end-of-lease cleaning in Sydney:

  • NDIS cleaning — Specialised services designed to meet the unique needs of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants.
  • House cleaning — We offer comprehensive cleaning services for a clean and comfortable home environment.
  • Carpet steam cleaning — We use advanced equipment for deep cleaning, removing dirt, stains, and allergens from carpets.
  • Medical centre cleaning — Ensuring the highest hygiene standards for healthcare facilities, and maintaining a safe and sanitary environment.
  • Child care centre cleaning — Focused on creating a safe and hygienic environment for childcare centres, prioritising the well-being of children.

Our end-of-lease cleaning service is a comprehensive and meticulous process to ensure your property is spotless and ready for the final inspection by your landlord. It covers:

  • Removing cobwebs from ceilings and corners.
  • Cleaning fans and vents.
  • Pretreatment of oven racks, stovetops and toilet bowl stains.
  • Cleaning kitchen cupboards, splashbacks, benchtops and windows.
  • Washing walls, wiping down switches and doors.
  • Cleaning wardrobes, mirrors and laundry areas.
  • Scrubbing and vacuuming floors, including carpets, if requested.

This rigorous process aims to address every aspect of your property to meet the standards expected during an end-of-lease inspection.

The duration of an end-of-lease cleaning service can vary based on the size and condition of the property. Generally, a standard one-bedroom or studio apartment may take approximately 4–5 hours. However, larger properties or those with extensive cleaning requirements may take longer.

We strive to complete the service while ensuring the highest quality results efficiently. For a more precise time estimate, you can contact our support team, and they will assess your specific needs and property size before providing a quotation.

Generally, our spot wall cleaning is only suitable for scuff marks or dirt on some walls. If the walls in your property have lots of scuff marks, you will need to book complete wall washing. If you want your bond back, your real estate agent will want all the effects removed from your walls. Our spot wall cleaning includes only a handful of high-touch areas like light switches and power points.

All cleaners working with Yahweh Property Care are fully vaccinated against COVID-19; they are more than happy to show proof of vaccination upon entry to your home and before commencing any work. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via phone, email or live chat.
